Is Apple's iPhone X a true bezel-less display phone?
No it’s not, and I don’t see why we should bother.

See that phone? Let’s zoom in a bit.

See that phone? Let’s zoom in a bit.

There, we can see the top bezel. It houses the front camera, infrared camera, flood illuminator, dot projector, and the earpiece.
The earpiece can be removed in favour of a piezoelectric vibrator, which will cause the size of the bezel to be decreased significantly.
In 2007, Apple submitted a patent for a camera to be hidden behind a display, and through impeccable seams in the display, the camera would be able to function.
However, the flood illuminator and dot projector cannot be built into the display unlike the earpiece and front camera. A phone cannot be completely bezel-less with the same feature set as the iPhone X.
The earpiece can be removed in favour of a piezoelectric vibrator, which will cause the size of the bezel to be decreased significantly.
In 2007, Apple submitted a patent for a camera to be hidden behind a display, and through impeccable seams in the display, the camera would be able to function.
However, the flood illuminator and dot projector cannot be built into the display unlike the earpiece and front camera. A phone cannot be completely bezel-less with the same feature set as the iPhone X.
Let’s stalk the iPhone further.

See that black line around the the illuminated display pixels and the stainless steel body of the phone?
Those are still bezels. Some with OCD may absolutely hate that line, but it serves a pretty important purpose for the phone. It separates the display from the body. This means that in the unfortunate situation of a drop, the body is sacrificed and an indent is made into the phone, there is a chance of survival for the display.
Those are still bezels. Some with OCD may absolutely hate that line, but it serves a pretty important purpose for the phone. It separates the display from the body. This means that in the unfortunate situation of a drop, the body is sacrificed and an indent is made into the phone, there is a chance of survival for the display.
All in all, no phone is bezel-less, and if you’re unproductive enough to see that as a problem, you’re probably also too unproductive to afford the phone.
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