Why do Apple and others make unserviceable devices?

Planned obsolescence.

Apple has been known to rig their products to do two things. Not be serviceable by common men, and fail in a time outside the warranty.
Let’s go over all the steps Apple takes in order to practice planned obsolescence.
  • Use pentalobular screws that not everyone has a screw driver for.
  • Glue things in and solder things to the body and motherboard.
  • Rig components to fail in a certain amount of time.
  • Price repairs very high.
  • Make new products equal in price to the repairs needed for a new product.
So what basically happens is, a consumer faces a problem with their device, they go to Apple, the find that Apple charges a similar amount for a repair as the cost of the new product. The consumer makes what they think is the “logical choice” and purchases the new device.
Little does the customer know that they have fallen prey to what is called planned obsolescence.
Apple is really playing a dick move here. Where they should be playing it different from their competitors, they are doing the same thing as they are.
This is the one point where Apple contradicts its Think Different motto.

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